
Explain your Auto Parts

Water Tank

Keep it always full and add some defrocing liquid. This tank will cool the radiator so your car doesn't get too hot.

Oil Deposit

Here is where you have to put the oil in case is running low.

Oil Checker

You should check your oil each month.
Oil level should be correct as well as oil SHOULD NOT look black


If the car doesn't make any noise when pulling the contact, probably the battery is empty.

Add A link to your products in an advertisement


A pale blouse is always classy.
You can imporve your descriptions using HTML code. Just edit a regular page, go to the html view, copy the text and paste it in the form.


You can also include links in your descriptions as long as you don't use Quotes nor Double quotes in the text. Go to, for example, google

Make your ecommerce REAL COMMERCE

Link to a category

You can just use an image of your real store to administrate your categories in a Woocommerce

Add a shortcode

As well, you can just use a shortcode, as the product shortocode, to display info of the

Or link to another slider

You can also make different sliders, for instance, one with images like this, and then link this pin to another with the clothes in this shelf.

Introduce your team

Team member 1

With the accounts Icon

Team member 2

With the accountability Icon


The heart of the company

Team member 3

With the default icon

Team member 4

Also an accountant

Team member 5

Another client manager

Show another map if you wish


Chicago is located in Illinois

Santiago de Chile

The Capital of Chile, the most USA alike country in South America


Yes, that's Germany


Yep, that's the australian capital city, not Sidney


A lot of developers are based in here


Capital of Uganda, haven't seen it? There you have a cool pic: